Friday, October 2, 2015

Wait a Minute Man

There was a rainy deluge the day we toured the Minute Man Park in Lexington. Hurricane Joaquin in the Atlantic and a huge front moving in from the west opened up the heavens. I loved it! I left dry Arizona to see some rain.

Bridge where the shot heard round the world was fired (recreated)

Some of the things I loved learning about were:

  • Paul Revere probably yelled "The regulars are out" not "The British are Coming". Everyone was British at that time.
  • Paul Revere was eventually captured that night, but let go when the fighting started
  • There was reluctance on both sides to fire, neither could believe it was really coming to this
  • The command to fire was given by a local leader whose home is just over the hill. This was all very personal to the colonials
Memorial to British Soldiers

I loved the inscription on the memorial to the British Soldiers. It is the stanza of a poem and says:

They came three thousand miles
and died to keep the past upon its throne.
Beyond the ocean tide
Their English mother made her moan.

This statue depicts a colonial militiaman. In back of him is the plow he is leaving. The personal nature of the sacrifices made in the Revolutionary War are more real to me now.


  1. I am enjoying this so much. Keep it up.

  2. I have been to the bridge and the statue. I love Concord.
